Poetryzine Magazine presents the open call for the VI Open Eurasian Literary Festival of Festivals “LIFFT”
The Organizing Committee of the VI Open Eurasian Literary Festival of Festivals “LIffT” announces the start of a literary competition in the nominations:
- poetry
- prose
The competition will take place online. The right to participate in the VI Open Eurasian Literary Festival of Festivals “LIffT” will be given to the authors who took part in the competition.
To participate in the competition, you must send in one letter to the address
1. A completed application for participation in the competition https://cloud.mail.ru/public/HV7z/Foy7MfhWQ
2. A signed consent form for the use of personal data https://cloud.mail.ru/public/mLNd/8QhufsmV7
3. A file with the text of the work (no more than 32 lines for poetry and no more than 1000 characters with spaces for prose) and its translation into Russian or English (if the original text is not in English and not in Russian) in compliance with the conditions of paragraph 4.5 of the Regulation on VI Open Eurasian Literary Competition “LIffT -2022”, https://cloud.mail.ru/public/psHs/e28dv85hb
4. Autobiography - no more than 200 words,
5. A high-quality photograph of the author.
The application deadline is November 20, 2022.