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Borna Kekic: Three poems

Poetryzine magazine presents the three poems by the Croatian poet Borna Kekic

My Life...

When it gets dark

The taste in the mouth is bitter

Remember the first step

Remember our first date

I’m not rude to you

Because you are my only one

Beloved real gold

I wonder if you know that…?

Because I only love you

And I don’t want to lose you

And this life is bitter

And I crawl into the darkness

And I want to escape

Here Love will not cure me

And I will pray to God

To escape from my life

Only me Only me

Just without end

Lives my goodbye…

Fight For Love... What do you have against me? I do not hide behind the shadows I heard her speak openly And I will not escape I'm not ashamed I am what I am And I don't want to run away Only god can heal me God created love In the world you have to love someone And do not lose that love Because if you find someone Created for you it means love Because what you are Do not be shy Admit it to people God will always love you And now for the end Have a nice trip And don't be angry You are like that, what are you like Only love gifts And remember They will all hate you people jealous...

Snail Story…

This is a children's story

It's about animal whips

Once a snail went

Who was the real husband?

To his wife And her shadow

He loved her very much

And too sweet

That cannot be described

The poet cannot say that

Because a snail is an animal

Who only dreams of everything

He drags himself into the hut

And he sings this song

And he pulls with his corner

And I go my happy way

And now good night

And the snail goes by…

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