Poetryzine Magazine presents the Call for contributions to Immagine& Poesia E-book, vol. 8, 2022
Poets and artists members of Immagine & Poesia, are invited to submit a poem linked to an image for an E-book publication edited by the Immagine & Poesia Movement, Torino, Italy.
The E-book is not to be sold but to be downloaded for free on Immagine & Poesia’s website. This publication will include English and French speaking poets: poems of each language will not be translated.
1 - Each poet and artist must be a member of Immagine & Poesia movement. If not, they must subscribe by going on Immagine & Poesia Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/immaginepoesia
2 - If a poet chooses an artwork of an artist to pair with his/her poem, the artist must be a member of Immagine & Poesia and give permission by e-mail to use his/her image and vice versa for the artist who sends his/her image linked to a poem.
3 The theme is free, but whoever wants to, can honor the poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti (1919-2021) who for several years has offered one of his poems for the Immagine & Poesia E-books.
4 - Submission of 3 attached files by e-mail
a) The poem and the biography (and the artist’s biography if applicable) on a single .doc or .docx file.
b) The image.jpg file (the file must bear the name of the artwork).
c) Your .jpg photo passport size.
PLEASE NOTE: Poets and artists must be the copyright holders of the submitted works or have a written permission from the author for publication.
5 - Each poem should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, space 1,0 and not exceed 20 lines including spaces between stanzas for technical reasons.
6 - Each biography must not exceed 3 lines with attached your passport size photo. The web link should be written at the end of the biography.
7 – The editors reserve the right to select the works and to reject those not suitable for this publication.
8 - Authors will have to state that their submissions do not come into conflict with other writers’, editors’ or translators’ copyright law. By e-mailing your texts and illustrations to IMMAGINE&POESIA E-book we understand that you give us full rights of publication.
Submissions will be listed in the book in order of arrival.
Deadline for submissions : February 20, 2022.
Submissions should be sent to co-editors :
Huguette Bertrand: hb.poete@gmail.com and Cc to Lidia Chiarelli: immagine.poesia@gmail.com