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Donya Mirzaei: Selected poems

Poetryzine magazine presents the selected poems by the Iranian poet Donya Mirzaei


My eyes and Your Hands They are both good hunters When we both target Eachother’s hearts 2

I think of the anti- things: Day and night Black and white You and me! 3

The Lighter renewing The mountains of cigarettes One by one 4

My life seems to be A kind of wrong way For half of my life Still I am on my way For half of my life I am in turning back

Translated to English by Fadil Oktay

*Donya Mirzaei, was born 1980 in Tehran. Besides publishing her own poems, she also translates poems by other poets which are published in Iranian and Turkish literary magazines. She embarked on a journey of imagery with her first poetry book titled Birbirden Yalnız (Alone Than Each Other), published by Maya Publishing House in 2015. Her second book of poetry, Bellek Yaralısı (The Memory Wounded), was published by Nasira publishing house in 2020 and took its place in the media it deserves. She translated her selected poems into Turkish and published her second poetry book with title Bellek Yaralısı (The Memory Wounded) by Elfena Dünya Publishing in 2020, and translated the novels, stories and poetry books of many Turkish writers and poets from Turkish into Persian. From the authors, she has translated the novels by Murat Tuncel, Ayla Yazgan, Gürsel Korat, Osman Şahin, Merih Günay and Kemal Yalçın into Persian.

She translated a story anthology from Turkish Cypriot Writers and a poetry anthology from Turkish Cypriot Poets!

She also translated the poetry books of Turkish poets Tamer Öncül, Müesser Yeniay, Fadıl Oktay and Şenel Gökçe into Persian.

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Oct 18, 2021

Donya Mirzaei is one of the outstanding Persian poets of contemporary world with her brief bur sharp and pungent poems. I love to read her in silence. The Gen-Ex is smarter generation and they work with smartness on their own rhythm and new diction. However, my good wishes are with her for more successes in her work. Dr. Perwaiz Shaharyar, Editor, New Delhi, INDIA

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