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Eduard Harents: Odyssey

The Poetryzine magazine presents the selection of poems by the Armenian poet Eduard Harents


The shadow of color

is scaling

the scars of day;

walking the serenity

of an encountered dream…

The flower is the secret

of pain;

an introspective smile.

The scion names the sin.

Beyond personal bandages

of prayer,

the self-denial of a tree

is as much bright

as warm are the hands

of night.

I am freezing… your name.


My name

is a stone in God’s dream,

with ornamental carvings

of askew mirrors.

Through the rib bones

of light

my father’s cataract

is tinkling on my tongue.


We ate poetry,

smoked silence

with a cup of coffee,

we got away from death

chewing colors,

but still we are gazing

at the word…


After so much pious,

loveless nights,

I have no idea from which

muscle of time,

but storms are ringing from myself

apparently sweeping away all my

morns, which

remained punched like that

up till now

like the shoes

of a gold medalist student…


that much rich, so sonorous,

to which gates

will my evening – one day –



I know, I will wake up someday

from the mystical dinner,

will wear my father’s

damaged footsteps

as little pockets

filled with immeasurable love…

Can my days − I wonder −

scale that much unbearable


(Translated from Armenian by Harout Vartanian)

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