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Sam Eastwood: Poems of Edward&Fleur

The Poetryzine magazine presents the selected poems from the poetry book EDWARD&FLEUR: Sam's Poems (New Zealand , 2020) by the New Zealand poet Sam Eastwood

Love in the Soul

The light of heaven sweeps away the veil

upon the soundless sea without a shore

Behold the woman of eternal beauty

Her essential nature reveals her splendor

The experience of creativity reflected in a mirror

The perfect vision of God

Wherein grace never ceases to be displayed

O for a friend whose soul I long

In union to mingle in divine love

This secret song which plays in our hearts

The flame which fires, the wine of love inspires

How lovers bleed eternal the longing of reunion

Yearning for deliverance to live in eternity and

in this world where love is a stranger, an exile

The divine essence of the elect consumes infidelity

Burning the devils impaled on love

Absorption of the creator a spiritual energy

Dispels our memory’s dull and sad

The echoes of the unearthly strains

Inspired by god to tell the story of infinite love

Souls emptied of self in spacious gardens of


Fly up hither to rejoin Angels and Seraphim

Anthems of the heavenly host

Now hear the voice within your heart

You’ve found the source of Love.

What was

Then there was nothing

everything remembered

thoughts which honour you

our love deep in my soul

When did I decide I can’t recall

you felt free and broke my heart

Miss-placed anger in my fall

with little grace not my intent.

You admitted what can be

without assurance, repeated

Thoughts never deliberate,

the oddness of your will

I realize the truth, with difficulty

I’ll always be in love with you

my love will always remain

No longer in togetherness

Blazing in interconnectedness

Inspired by Art Garfunkel

I’d rather be a song

than a instrument unplayed

I’d rather be a melody

than a note never herd

I’d rather be a story

than a lost soul

I’d rather be alone

than a painful memory

I’d rather be a word

than a sword

I’d rather be a kiss

And always love

From Love

Love will endure for eternity

which cannot be denied nor got rid of

We don’t choose who we love

Or who loves us back

Love is within us

And in everything

Whether we like it or not

Time a stubbornly persistent elusion

Why do we battle this wisdom?

When we already know the truth


the beauty of love our life unfolds

with wisdom and understanding

Love is the ‘Why’

Love is our triumph

Love each moment

Love every breath

All your life.

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